as american as apple pie

As American as apple pie:

This week is Independence Day (4th of July) so I planned something very American to make for Make Something Monday. We made an apple crisp. I wanted to make an actual PIE but we simplified…. a lot!

We have a big, faithful apple tree in our backyard that grows SO many green apples every year. We picked about 8-10 apples since they are kinda small.

We peeled them all but not without injury. ? Poor girl. After playing nurse to a patient with a pretty big slice on her finger, I finished up the recipe alone. No blood got in the apple mix I swear.

Little story: My cute little 3-yr-old asks for oatmeal every morning for breakfast, except that he gets the word “oatmeal” mixed up with the word “ramen”. (I don’t know why, maybe because they are both microwaveable meals we make a lot.) So he’s like, “Mom, can I have ramen and toast for breakfast?” And I always say with a smile, “You mean oatmeal?” ?

I had the crisp made and waiting to put in the oven, when I picked up my buddy and showed him my creation. He says,

“What the, ramen & cheese!?”

? It was so funny and surprising that I had to laugh out loud! Maybe that will be the new name of this dish, ramen & cheese.

Get the recipe here!

Later that night we had dinner and FHE with Great Grandma so we shared our apple crisp with her. It was great! We talked about this promised land we live in and how God has inspired men to create our constitution. The BEST part of the night was listening to Grandma talk about how she felt when she first moved to America from Canada. She said she had a strong feeling looking at the American flag and being grateful that it will forever be a part of her from that moment on. ❤️

I hope we can always be grateful for our amazing country and it’s pure foundations. I hope y’all get a piece of apple pie this 4th!

~love, Rach~

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