A day in the life with Deppression

Truth Bomb:


I took a mental health break.

Truth #1: I have crippling depression. When my spirits are low, no exaggerating, it feels like the end of the world! Like, the end of MY world. My mind plays tricks on me and everything seems completely awful. And until my spirits come back up, days will go by and I’ll do practically NOTHING.

I know I’m not alone during these types of struggles. I have therapists, doctors, family and dear friends who are always there for me. They know my situation and offer help all the time. The scariest part of my depression though is the days when I don’t reach out. I can’t talk. I can’t move out of my darkness. I literally have to be shaken out of it. I need scheduled appointments that I drag myself to otherwise I wouldn’t get the help I desperately need.

Truth #2: I get better! When my body and mind say I’m done with being down, I go back UP! Yes, I take pills and yes, I see an amazing therapist who knows how to manipulate my energy/ my aura if you will. Those things definitely helped me come out of the darkness and back into the light. Yes, I pray. I pray and my loved ones pray for me all the time. I can’t explain exactly how or when my mood changes, but when it does I feel alive again! My confidence is great, my relationships are great, my sense of humor is back, my ambitions are back and my spirituality is back!

So, that’s it. Mostly. There’s still issues I haven’t addressed but I’m saving those for another blog post. Haha As for now, I’m back to blogging and sharing what we did as a family recently.

We saw a professional juggler at the Queen Creek library (see video at end of blog post).

Went swimming at Skyline Aquatic Center.

Took my daughter to Time To Blossom

Got new shirts and a swimsuit at Ross.

Said goodbye to my dear friend and walking buddy. (I wish I could fit in her suitcase cuz she’s going to Hawaii) ?

Until next time…

Talk about your feelings!!

~Love Rach~

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  1. I love you cousin!!! You are a brave warrior mom fighting a HARD battle.

    I am so sorry you have to go through it, but thank you for being open and honest because so many struggle in silence. The silence is isolating.
    When you share you give the wounded and weary hope!!
    Thank you for being a beacon of light!!!

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